
What is Fraud?
Fraud is defined as an illegal criminal act that consists of the – alleged – purposeful misleading of a victim in a harmful fashion; the motives that may exist within a fraud charge may be facilitated by the intention of gain through deceit.
13岁男孩发明爬墙器,成本200元,国外欲70万收购,网友 ...:2021-5-29 · 看过蜘蛛侠的你,都会被蜘蛛侠的潇洒所征服吧!而国外一位小男孩,就把这种蜘蛛信仰变成了现实。这位小男孩自制了一款爬墙工具,仅仅用一个吸尘器就能完成,看到后网友称赞太强了。据了解,小男孩是根据吸尘器的设计发明的。在一天,小男孩对吸尘器产生了好奇
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Scam: An illegal, deceptive, and structured plan undertaken in order to purposely defraud its participants
Identity Theft: The illegal assumption of the identity belonging to another individual with the hopes of gain and profit through fraudulent acts; identity theft may take place with the expressed intent of committing fraud, theft, exploitative acts, and harm with the hope of garnering personal profit or gain as result of their actions
Misrepresentation: The deliberate deception or misleading of individual – or entities – in order to fallaciously convey inaccurate information; this is a common theme that takes place within fraud charges
Falsification: The criminal act of and individual’s – or entity’s – attempt to present fallacious or fraudulent facts, documentation, or reports as legitimate or accurate; within the realm of identity theft, the falsification of personal documentation belonging to the victim of this type of fraud may take place in order to achieve economic gain
Counterfeit: The illegal and unlawful reproduction, circulation, or recreation of an item with the intent of defrauding individuals in the midst of purchase
How Does Fraud Take Place?
The prosecution of computer fraud includes any and all parameters with regard to the implicit legislation, decorum, legality, and ethics with regard to computer networks, the internet, electronic commerce, the online marketplace, and commercial activity taking place within a virtual setting; Online Identity theft may take place as a result of the unlawful acquisition of personal, private, and financial information belonging to the victims involved.
The classification of Financial Fraud is applicable to the activity, exchange, and the circulation of monies or currency; in the scope of a charge, financial fraud can occur in a variety of fashions, including the intrusion into the personal or private domain of another individual, clandestine electronic activity with the intent of unlawfully obtaining personal information, and the falsification of documents belonging to the victims of identity theft.